Until We Meet Again

I sit wondering
And thinking
What happened?
We never got a chance to take that trip we discussed
We never got a chance to laugh on the phone again
Won’t be able to hear you curse me out for forgetting
to tell you a goal I achieved
You were always so proud of me and supportive of my
God I don’t understand
I won’t be able to laugh at you put my dad in place
I won’t be able to see you again
I’m hurt
In disbelief
I pray you weren’t in pain
I’m sad and I shed tears because I called you and
couldn’t speak with you
I’m sad because my cousin your only child is in pain
Her children have to mourn the loss of such an
amazing person
And so do I
Is this real?
Did I hear this correctly?
Aunt Rachel is gone they say
This can’t be true
I fall to my knees
I can’t breathe
I miss her so much already
Your life came to an unexpected end
And we expected to see you again
I won’t see you dance again
I won’t see you smile again
I won’t see you laugh again
But in my memories
You will always be
Hug grandpa Johnny
Hug grandma Mae
Hug Grandma Mary Bell
Hug aunt Ida
And so many more
This hurts
But know I love you aunt Rachel
Until we meet again